Konsert, festival og kulturarrangementer i Innlandet

Konsert, festival og kulturarrangementer i Innlandet

Glenn Hughes - NY DATO!

Glenn Hughes – NY DATO!

26. september 2025



Venue :

By :


Dag :


Dørene åpner :


Aldersgrense :


Konsertstart :


Dørene åpner :


Aldersgrense :


Plassering :

Billetter :

Dato :

26. september 2025

Dag :


Adresse :

Strandgaten 23

By :


Konserten er utsatt til fredag 26.09.2025 – kjøpte billetter gjelder til ny dato!
Har du ikke mulighet til å dra på ny dato og ønsker refusjon, vennligst kontakt Espen@indiedist.no på mail innen 4/11/2024.


I really hate writing this but unfortunately, due to a situation out of our control we are left with no option but to postpone all Glenn Hughes upcoming shows in Denmark, Norway and Finland in November due to the loss of 6 shows in Sweden.

The Swedish promoter has disappeared and bankruptcy is waiting around the corner as we understand.

We have together with Glenn Hughes management tried to resolve the issues but to no avail.
I never wish to things like this to happen but sometimes it is unavoidable.

The good news is that we have new dates for next year, so we hope to see you then!

All the best Glenn Hughes

‘Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live – Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the album BURN’

Glenn Hughes, the former bassist, and singer of Deep Purple, known to millions as the ‘Voice of Rock’, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee is pleased to announce, ‘Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live – Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the album BURN’. Glenn will perform songs from Deep Purple’s legendary rock album “BURN” along with Deep Purple MKIII and MKIV songs.

Glenn’s band will feature Soren Andersen (guitar), Ash Sheehan (drums) and Bob Fridzema (keyboards).

Dørene åpner : 20:00
Aldersgrense : 20 år
Kun ståplasser
Servering : Alle rettigheter
HC/Ledsager : Ordinær billett
Bevegelseshemmede : Ja
Parkeringsmuligheter : Nei

Arrangør: Venues
For mer informasjon se spillestedets hjemmeside og facebookside.

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Glenn Hughes – NY DATO!

Strandgaten 23